Well we got the place! Shawn says the kitchen is huge and it is really pretty. The landlord seems to be a really nice guy and is willing to work with us. I think Molly will really like it too, with the stairs and being the only puppy to get spoiled by her mom and dad. And I think that I'll really be able to spend time with her the way she deserves and take her with me when I'm running errands and take her to Petco to get her her coats and booties and everything. Speaking of coats and booties my darling husband went shopping for me yesterday and bought me boots, a jacket, a couple under shirts, a scarf, pretty wool socks, and a knitted hat. :) Let me just say that he is the most adorable person ever.
Actually speaking of adorable unbeknowst to us our wedding rehearsal was taped and towards the end there is a part where Shawn comes up behind me and kisses my shoulder and I look up at him and he gives me a quick peck and then coyly looks away and then comes in slowly for another quick peck and then looks away and then when he turns back around I give him a quick peck until he puts his arm around my waist and we rub noses and I giggle. I thought it was the most adorable thing ever. Mom just thought we were sickening, although I must admit we get that a lot too. Especially from my friends at work. ;) Love you guys!
Anyway that's about all the news I've got for now. I've started packing, I'm working my tush off, and enjoying some time with my friends before I leave. OH! And I'm getting my hair cut tomorrow which I'm super excited/nervous about so wish me luck! Merry Christmas to everyone if I don't post again.
aww, he bought you warm stuff! how sweet. good man. :)