Everything is really beginning to change. I've cut my hair for the maintenance aspect of it but it also marks the beginning of this chapter. And I've been so buried in work that I haven't been able to focus on the fact that I'm moving. I have gotten about 6 boxes/totes packed but it hasn't really hit me.
But just a moment ago I realized that in juat ten days I'll be moving to Alaska, to finally join my husband, in our house. I am so excited to be joining him. For the last year we have done the long-distance relationship thing and I am over it. What's so funny is that we have spent more time apart in the last year than we will when he's deployed. I'm sure there will be a difference in the emotions in being apart but at least I know I have handled the length of time before.
But I'm not thinking about that right now. All I want to think about is setting up a home with Shawn and getting into a routine with a new job and completely new lifestyle. Going from the country to a neighborhood and having not only a next door neighbor but someone who lives in the same dwelling as us...(it 's a duplex.) I'm also going to have to get used to having one vehicle between the two of us, which is weird because I've never really had to "share" a vehicle before, so I think that's going to drive me a little crazy at first. I am really excited about learning to cook and making his lunch for him for work and making love on the living room floor or the kitchen counter. ;) I know these novelties will eventually wear off but either way I'm really looking forward to enjoying the "honeymoon" stage of our marriage.
On a slightly bad note I looked up airplane tickets and they are $2000 for Jan. 5th and sold out every day before that. On the slight up side on the 7th they go back down to $800. On a all-readers-cross-your-fingers-and-pray-for-us note we find out if the Army will pay for it on Monday which would be an amazing Christmas present.
As everything begins to take shape for the move, for this new journey, it is bittersweet. I am truly ecstatic about going to be with Shawn but I know it's going to be a difficult transition going from everyone I know and love to knowing no one. But if I'm anything I know I'm strong and can handle it, especially knowing that on days when I'm struggling I can curl up next to him and fall asleep in his arms. Anyway friends I'm going to try to post a Christmas blog so sleep well tonight
and I will type to you soon. :)
PEE ESS: I think I may be getting the 'baby fever' :)
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