So I was told that my blogs were a bit sad so I've decided to lighten the mood and come up with a list of qualities that make Shawn the perfect man.
1) He can always make me smile. Whether it's mentioning that he is going to get me a dragon or that I'm the prettiest woman he knows. You see I've mentioned before that I have a slight obsession with dragons and so whenever I get upset or down about something he'll always say that he'll make it all better and buy me a dragon. :)
2) He listens, and not the "uh huh" listen he really listens to my day or what I have to say on a certain subject. Like the other day about the duplex we're looking to rent. I was really upset about him not wanting to move on it and he pried why I was upset out of me and then sat there and listened to my reasons as to why I think we should move on the place.
3) He remembers the little things; my favorite movie, color, food, flower, etc. There was one time that I had an awful day at work and he brought me home a boquet of wildflowers to make it better.
4) He makes me feel sexy when I'm wearing no make-up, am in sweatpants, and on pain meds. I got my wisdom teeth pulled out in January and he came over that evening and curled up next to me and told me that I was the sexiest doped up person he knew. Lol.
5) He does the cheezy love story movie stuff. Ya know, the stuff that every woman is like "OMGosh I soo wish real men would do that" and he does it. For one of our anniversaries he got a star named after me and after a particuraly bad fight he carved our initials into my tree.
6) He's an amazing lover. Nuff said. :)
7) He tried to teach me how to dance, he is going to teach me how to shoot, and how to drive on icy roads.
8) He holds my hand in the car and we kiss at red lights. There are very few moments when we're together that we aren't connected in some way or another.
9) He listens to my music and watches my movies too. When he came home for our wedding I was slightly obsessed with "How to Train Your Dragon" and we sat down and watched it just cause I wanted him to.
10) He takes the time to make me fall in love with him all over again. We've had picnics by the river, sunrises on the beach, engagement ring in the champagne glass, gone horse back riding, and had many a romantic night in.
11) He isn't afraid to be vulnerable around me. And as odd as that sounds when I realize that he can be as vulnerable as I am its comforting and kinda sexy. When I visted him in August after he left the room he called me crying saying that he didn't want me to leave. We stayed on the phone for another 3 hours just talking and telling each other how much we love one another.
12) But one of the things that make him even more perfect is that he's not. He makes mistakes, he has flaws, and he's not afraid to admit them. He is a strong and proud man who isn't afraid to use his gun or to express his love.
Shawn is amazing to me and is so good to me. We have grown some together over the last couple of years and I look forward to growing closer together over the next several years. He completes me in every way possible and I can't imagine life without him and I am thankful each day that we found one another and we have made it to this point in our lives. I love you honey.
Pee Ess: And he let's me do chubby bunny. :D