10 days until the wedding and I almost can't believe it. To think that this time in two weeks I'll be in the B&B in my husband's arms is just absolutely amazing. And despite all of the complications, and stress, and everything I know that there will be nothing compared to the joy of walking down the aisle to the man of my dreams.
What's really interesting is that at this time last year we had just gotten back in touch with one another. Neither of us sure what it meant. We hadn't spoken in 6 months and we weren't even sure if there would be anything left after being a part for so long. All I knew is that I hadn't stopped thinking about him since that last kiss when we said good-bye. I compared any guy I met to him, and all I wanted was someone that made me feel half as a amazing as he made me feel. And the rest is history as they say.
I must say though it has not been an easy year. Neither of our friends were all that supportive of the relationship because of how upsetting the break-up had been to both of us, and the moment we really did start falling for one another again he left for Infantry Training. But oddly enough between the couple of times we had together, the dozens of letters, and the hundreds of phone calls I fell more completely and deeply in love with him even more than the first time we dated. He is the most amazing man. Ya know, he is so amazing at the little things. I'm not sure how many of you know but he carved our initials in my tree, and one time after a particuraly hard day at work he brought me flowers just cause. :)
My other favorite thing about Shawn and I is his ability to make me laugh. 9 out 10 times he can make me laugh in any situation. He almost always sees the glass as half full and with him there's a bright side to everything. Whenever I get upset about something we have this running joke that he's going to buy me a dragon to make it up to me. You see I have this ridiculous obsession with owning a dragon (yes I know they're mythical creatures.) But I really want one nonetheless. And although I love the movie "How to Train Your Dragon" those aren't the kind of dragons I want. I want the dragon like Saphira from Eragon. She's super fast, intelligent, and pretty. Although at this point a dragon like Toothless would be pretty awesome too. I know its completely ridiculous but oh well.
I'm really missing Shawn today. I normally get like this when he goes out to see a movie with friends or a dinner or something the Army is hosting that, if I were there, I could accompany him. But I'm here and not there so I can't. And I'm just so ready to be able to see a movie with him and not worry about being somewhere at a certain time to meet a certain someone. Ugh. The last couple of days have been rough and I feel bad because I took it out on Shawn last night. I feel really controlled lately and he said I couldn't have this adorable little puppy and I got all upset and said it wasn't fair and more or less threw a temper tantrum. *sigh* Poor guy has no idea what he's in for. Lol. I'm kidding, I rarely get the way I did last night but it's funny (now). I don't know the time we have had together these last 11 months has been more precious because we've been able to spend so little face to face time with him and I appreciate how amazing that is, but on the other hand I yearn for a normal, get sick of each other, we're up one another's butts too much, let's argue about what way the toliet paper should go, relationship too. Oh well, I suppose I'll have that aspect of it soon enough...speaking of soon enough....
My little sister went on her first date tonight to the fair with a couple of friends. A double date really but still a date and omg does it kinda freak me out. It's weird seeing her as a young lady when it feels like it was only yesterday I was helping her ride Cally. (Her first horse.) She really has turned into quite the young lady, being both a good person and pretty. I know I'm going to miss driving her crazy when I move.
I'm really looking forward to my work's new monthly get together. We're basically having a big Thanksgiving Dinner with people from work. And what's better is its the night of the wedding rehearsal so everyone will get a chance to meet Shawn before the wedding. I'm actually super stoked about it. I think I'm going to make my new favorite dessert, pineapple casserole. I know it sounds disgisting but seriously, its yummy. :)
Well it's 2 am and I have to be leaving the house and ready for work at 8 because of a stupid meeting so I guess its time to say good night my friends. And I hope this finds you and yours well. :)
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