8 days, 8 days, 8 days. So i-n-s-a-n-e. I bounce back and forth between being super duper excited to feeling like I'm completely unprepared. There's still 100 things to do, but I have accomplished a lot. I'm going to sit down with one of my famous "to-do" lists and decide what needs to be done tomorrow and Thursday. Right now though I'm watching "BONES" with my family. Speaking of family my Uncle brought my Nonnie over to spend some time with us before the wedding. I really hope I can assemble the centerpieces tomorrow because that will be one less thing to do this weekend. I also need to put together a seating chart, timelines, a photo want list, a packing list for the honeymoon, day after list for the day after the wedding, and on and on and on. Lol. But I should be able to finish it all as long as I can stay focused. Lol.
It's almost surreal how close it is. I will be with Shawn this time next week. OMG I am getting so so excited. I also spoke with FRG in Alaska and I'm hoping to start getting housing squared away as well. Which will be awesome. I cannot wait for Shawn to come home to me, to learn how to cook together, to argue about how towels should go in the bathroom, whose turn it is to walk the dog, to cuddle on the couch with a movie, or go shopping for our home's decor, or appliances, or whatever. *sigh* I am so elated.
Well I think that's about it tonight, I know boring, but that's been my day. Tomorrow should be better though. Enjoy your week my friends. :)
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