So I don't know about other military wives but I have these odd little things I do since Shawn's been gone. I normally clean out my fridge once a week in order to clear out all the leftovers or spoiled food. I have made a habit of checking all the "sell by" dates on everything when I do it. Now that's probably not so weird but what is is the fact that I get really excited when there is food in my fridge that isn't going to go bad before Shawn gets home. It seriously makes me so happy. And its because having that date reminds me that it is so very, very close. And I was telling Shawn about this tonight and he just laughed at me but there's other stuff too like;
*I got my car's oil changed the other day and its due again when Shawn should be home and I was ecstatic to see something that I can plan on including him in, even if its just an oil change.
*Every time I run out of shampoo or body wash or conditioner or whatever I get really sad when I buy their replacements because I would like to pick-up what Shawn would normally need. And I can't yet.
*When I moved I set up the bathroom to my liking, which basically means that Shawn's toiletries and such are under the sink. Well...I can't wait to plug his beard trimmer back in and put his brush on the counter and keep baby wipes in the bathroom again.
*I miss having to wash his clothes and pick up his boots.
*I love being the wife that knows where, basically, everything is. I miss being able to tell him where I put his undershirts, his sunglasses, his books, whatever.
*I also really want to cook for the two of us again. I actually enjoy cooking but I have learned that I loathe cooking for one person. It. Is. Not. Fun.
The other thing I really miss about having him home is the intimacy we share. And I'm not talking about sex, but just being with one another. Sharing my life with him (good and bad) is so extremely important to me. I don't want to be one of the couples that get so wrapped up in what's going on personally that they no longer know the person they are married to and vice versa. I miss holding his hand while we're walking or driving. I miss being able to turn to him and get his opinion on this, that, or the other. I just miss him being around and I'm just ready for him to be home.
Anyway now I'm going to bed my friends. Hope you have a good Monday. :)
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