I can't even begin to explain to anyone how deeply in love with him that I am and how much he completes me in every facet of my life. I came into this marriage with a pretty realistic view of it. I knew that the "honeymoon" stage would wain and we would fall into a routine. I knew that there were going to be days that I didn't like him very much and there would be days that he would annoy the crap out of me. But I also knew that there would be these wonderfully glorious days where all I would want is to be next to him, to spend the day laying in bed and watching movies, or taking the dogs out for a walk. And its those days I reminded myself of whenever the other days seemed to be creeping up on us.
The benefit of deployment though is that you rarely have the days where you dislike him. Because of the time a part, the emotions of where he is, and the rarity that it can be to talk to one another I think you end up cherishing one another even more than before. Although I would not wish this situation on my worse enemy, I do wish everyone could experience the feeling of receiving a phone call after not hearing from them for two weeks (or months.) I wish they could experience that moment in an airport where you spot one another after months of being a part. I have never experienced such joy in my life.
Shawn's and my's marriage is not perfect, no one's is, but we make an awesome team and we love one another through thick and thin. Life without Shawn would be incomplete, black and white as my mom would say. Life is meant to be shared with the people you love the most. And I love sharing my life with Shawn. I love knowing that he will be the one to hold me when I cry, that he will be the one who makes me laugh, that he will be the one who will experience victory and defeat with me. I normally refer to life as a book, myself being the author. But I also find great comfort and satisfaction that Shawn is penning my story with me.
I could not ask for a better man to love and who loves me in return. He is truly one of a kind and has made me exceedingly happy since we've been together. We have been through a lot more than your average "newlyweds." But even so I think everything we have gone through has only made us stronger, and that's the most you can ask for.
Anyway sleep well dear friends.
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