My best friend who is visiting me in AK in a month!
Shawn and a puppy they "adopted" in Afghanistan they named "Sharkbait."
It has been almost 4 months since my last post and I apologize but so much has happened! So let me see if I can get everyone up to speed.
I, of course, came home from Florida and I must say that I had an absolutely wonderful time. My best friend of 6 years married her own military man and I could not have been happier to share that day with her. I also had an awesome night out with all my friends from my old job, 25 (!!) people showed up to spend some time with everyone and say hi to me! We all had such an awesome time. I really enjoyed all of my time back home, spending time with all my friends and family was so wonderful.
But, as life goes, it came to an end and I headed back home. Since then it has been a whirlwind of several big events.
About a month after getting home things at the house began to get a bit odd and unsettling. So I started looking for a place and after about a week of looking and considering I settled onto a place about 8 miles out of town and I absolutely love the place. But, omg the move was horrendous! One of my girlfriends and I moved my entire house in 2 days. It was insane! But we did it and I love this place. It's about the same size as the old house but it has washer and dryer hook-ups, a huge backyard for the dogs, and a really nice sized open living room. I absolutely love it. It's also set out away from town a bit so its always really quiet and peaceful which is wonderful.
After that, about a month later I decided to quit my job at American Eagle because a better opportunity presented itself across the hall (literally) at Pac Sun. And so I have been at this new job for about three weeks and I will hopefully have some fantastically awesome news for you guys in about two weeks! But as of right now I am a full time assistant store manager, basically the same job as before at AE, but better benefits. Lol.
Other than that nothing much has changed. I'm still going to school and I am officially halfway to my A.A. degree in Business. Gibson, my German Shepard, just had surgery on his tooth. He cracked it before we adopted him and it was beginning to bother him so we had it extracted.
Shawn is doing really well, although we are just getting over going through a rough time emotionally. Sometimes the deployment takes more out of us than I think we're willing to admit and it certainly tests our reserve and patience. But I am ecstatic to announce that in about 3 months I will be headed back to Florida and back in his arms...if only for a little while. And in about 5 weeks we will officially be halfway through this @$#^$W#@$!#$ deployment. And I am so grateful for it. I am beyond ready to have my husband home!
I am also happy to announce that my favorite cousin and her husband had their first baby, a little boy named Gavin Luke. He is so stinkin' cute and I cannot wait to hold him when I get back!
Anyway that's all my exciting news and goings ons here in Alaska. I hope you enjoyed it and I promise to try and make a more concerted effort to updating more often. Love~n~Hugs.
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