Let me just say that I am ecstatic to be here!! But, omg does that trip take so much out of you. The day I left I had a meeting at work, then worked for a few hours, went home cleaned the house, got everything set-up for the puppies, and grabbed all the last essentials for the trip. And then I headed over to a friend's place and they made me dinner and took me to the airport. Checked my bags, boarded and it was over a six hour flight to Minneapolis. During the flight I bought internet in case Shawn was able to get on and he was, EXCEPT! My internet didn't start working again until after he had signed off. Oh let me tell you how upset I was. I put my head against the window and just sobbed. I hadn't heard from him in nine days and missing that moment was just too much for me, I desperately wanted to communicate in some way with him. But low and behold I wasn't off the plane for 45 seconds before he called...and I cried again except this time with relief. It was so great to hear his voice even though I was too tired to make for a decent conversation. Gosh, he is so amazing. We talked for 6:42 and we were just able to tell one another how much we loved one another and how much we missed one another. Its been four days since I heard from him but we (the Army wives in my brigade) received an e-mail from their first sergeant stating that things have been relatively quiet and that reliable phone and internet should be available by the end of the month.
He places his boots down and rids his body of his uniform and looks down at his beautiful bride. For a moment he is captivated by how peaceful she looks sleeping and hesitates to wake her. Instead though, he caresses her cheek and runs his fingers through her curls, a soft smile on his lips. Her eyelids flutter for a moment but then she smiles back at him in recognition, so happy to see him next to her again. He gently brought her to him and their lips met in a gentle kiss, lips dancing with one another. His hand in her hair he deepens their kiss and they fall into a lover's rhythm. Within moments they are back on the bed as his hands memorized each curve of her body and her fingernails lightly traced his shoulders and back becoming breathless with each of his caresses.
For a little while time stopped as they made love. There were no fireworks or background music just the simplicity of being in love and completely devoted to the other. Each kiss was a reminder that they were going to be okay, each touch a reminder that he would come home to her, and as they held one another and drifted to sleep they didn't have to say how much they loved the other because one could tell just by looking at them.
Sunlight painted their room in bright oranges and yellows beckoning a new morning. She smiled thinking of the night. She reached for him but as she kept reaching and she opened her eyes she realized that he wasn't there. His boots and uniform were nowhere to be seen as tears silently ran down her cheeks, where his hand had seemed to have been just a few hours ago, it was then she realized it had all been a dream. She laid back down, hugged his pillow, and prayed that time would fly and that she would soon be in his arms.
My Mom's Version:
He places his boots down and rids his body of his uniform and looks down at his beautiful bride. For a moment he is captivated by how peaceful she looks sleeping and hesitates to wake her. Instead though, he caresses her cheek and runs his fingers through her curls, a soft smile on his lips. Her eyelids flutter for a moment and then she grabs the frying pan that she keeps under her pillow and smacks him upside the head. She runs to turn on the light tripping over his combat boots and in the next moment she realizes who it is. She runs to his side as he moans in pain from the attack. She crouches down next to him trying to contain her laughter. He chuckles thinking that that is one of the many reasons he married her...she was vicious. He lifted his hand to her hair and brought her to him for a kiss, they kissed passionately until all the sudden his hand was caught! He tried to gently get it out of her hair but it had somehow become knotted. And so he kind of yanked and with a yelp from her his hand was free. She glared at him a moment but couldn't stay mad because she was so ecstatic to see him. And as they gazed into one another's eyes everyone watching could tell just how in love they were. They made love and fell asleep in one another's arms.
Sunlight painted their room in oranges and yellows smiling as she hummed to herself. The couple was finally wakened by her humming and they woke up, each holding their heads in pain. She looked at him and laughed seeing an, already, black and blue goose egg on the side of his head. But as he turned to mock-glare at her he couldn't contain his chuckle at the slight bald spot where his hand had gotten stuck.
Ohh how I have missed my Mom.
Well that's about all for now. I'll try to get another blog up before I get back home because once I get back it will be full-time work and school again. Ta-ta for now!
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