Sorry it has been so long (over a month) since my last post, but things have been pretty crazy. I have moved into the keyholder position at AE and it has been quite a whirlwind experience this last month. I feel like I've learned a lot but that I still have a long way to go. But overall things are panning out well.
Silently I stared out the window, a war going on internally. No music played, no friendly banter, just a tense silence that held the weight of the world. One hand on the steering wheel the other gently holding mine. I had tried picturing this day over and over again but it just didn't happen. Saying good-bye for a year? I thought, shaking my head. I don't want to say good-bye. The silence was a constant reminder of the inevitable. I fought with myself, part of me wanting to jump out of the truck and go home, part of me wanting to scream for him to stop that I couldn't take this, and then of course the strong part of me; being the wife he needed me to be, strong, independent, and supportive. The squeeze of my hand a reminder that I was here, that I would never leave, and that I couldn't wait to hold him again.
We parked. Got out. Grabbed his bags. And for a moment our eyes met, a hundred things being said within the gaze, I'll miss you, Come Home Safe, I'll be home soon, I don't want you to go, I have to leave, you're my everything, I love you. The time has come for him to leave and he wraps me in his arms, and I try to memorize the way he feels, smells, and touches me. He presses his lips to my forehead, whispers I love you and that I'll see you soon, I nod my acceptance, hoarsely whisper I love him back and then, he's gone. Tears scream their displeasure and I ball my fists as if bracing myself for the next year.
I turn, pray, and think come home soon.
I hope that once he leaves that the year passes swiftly. It's not that we haven't been a part for this long before it's just the extra weight of the nature of this separation. Idk. The other night we were sitting in the bedroom and I cuddled up next to his side and just began to sob, and he held me and kissed the top of my forehead quietly "shushing" me, and I told him I didn't want him to go. But I realize that he must and that he wants to, which makes me even more proud of him as my husband and a soldier. Although it doesn't make it any easier.
Well I guess that's about it for me. I'll keep you guys up to date on how things are going here. I should be in FL to visit in about a month, so I look forward to seeing everyone!