We finally have internet!! I am so happy and as of yesterday our stuff is on its way here. So by the end of next month we should finally be completely set-up. Except for a washer and dryer which is becoming a little bit of a worry on my end. The other day a girlfriend and I went to the barracks to do our laundry (that's where Shawn and I have been doing them) and we got kicked out. So since last weekend we've been trying to figure out what to do about laundry and honestly its still up in the air. Today Shawn is going to the barracks to handle it and I think I'm going to stay home and clean or something.
AND on top of internet and all of our stuff we adopted another dog. A four year old Shepherd mix who has the goofiest expressions and the cutest personality. I think he's going to fit in with our family really well. I added pictures of him, an updated one of Shawn and I, and then a picture of the drive my fellow army wife and I made to Fox.
Other than that everything is going really well. Shawn is healing really well from his surgery even though he's on profile until March 13th. Which basically means he has orders to not do "this this and this" and can do "this this and this." So he reports back to work on Tuesday. And I am going to apply for a job in retail I think either today or some time next week. I was thinking about doing waitressing but I don't want to work nights or weekends and most restaurants would look at me and laugh if I told them that. And even if I did get hired I wouldn't be making that much money because I wouldn't be working the busy hours. So that's why I think I'll do retail. It's a flexible schedule for school and I'll have a guranteed "x" number for a paycheck instead of how unreliable waitressing can be. So even though I think I might be bored out of my mind I'll at least have everything else I'm in need of right now. Plus too I may or may not continue to work once I start school. Basically everything is up in the air.
Anyway that's about it. Now that we have internet I should be able to update this more often. Hope everything is going well with you. :)
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