Well it's been a trying couple of days. I was supposed to be leaving by Tuesday of next week but because of paperwork it's been pushed until at least Friday of next week. I still am going to have my last shift at work be on Sunday but basically take the next week and pack and clean and organize better than I would have previously been able to. But that's about the only upside I can see in this whole scenario. Everything else is just frustrating, upsetting, and putting Shawn and I at our wits end. Which is not a good thing because that just means that I tend to be more emotional and easily hurt and he is less careful about how he words things and both of us get upset and then it's just not good. Lol. Not to mention it affects a group of other factors and people. My mom is trying to hold it together with the fact I'm leaving, Dad goes back and forth to being "ok" and being really really not ok, my sister goes back and forth between being really mad I'm leaving to excited about being able to drive on her own, and I get all ready and set on leaving one day and then it's changed to four days later; so there is a lot of tension in the house and everyone is ready for things to return back to normal.
On a different note I only have four shifts left before my last day. Saturday night is my going away party with all of my friends from work and then Sunday is a good-bye dinner with my Dad's kids, my sister and brother and their family. So those will be fun and I'm really looking forward to them.
Everything else is going well. I'm trying to get things in line to get Molly ready to go as well. We're going to bring her up the same day I'm going which wasn't what was in the cards initially. We were going to wait until we got settled and had a bit more money to make it happen. But I found airfare for Molly at $100 which is less (by $264) than the first airfare I found. So yay.
I guess that's about it really. Other than that I took the day off from everything yesterday and today I went puppy shopping with my friend for her. And Shawn said we could get a Husky once I move, and once everything is settled and we feel like we can handle and properly care for and spend time with a puppy. Although I must admit...I really want a puppy. Lol. But I do want to see what it's like to have just one dog in the house, I've never been without at least three. So I am kind of interested to see if maybe I could do it, although I don't think I will. Lol. Anyway I'm gonna go now and enjoy a yummy pizza with my sister and Dad and then going to get a new outfit for work tomorrow night. Sleep well and have an awesome weekend.
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